Data Management Maturity Model

A framework that provides Health Systems with a roadmap for enhancing data management capabilities crucial for successful digital transformation

Data Management Maturity

Data Management Maturity (DMM) Positioning

The DMM covers 5 essential pillars of data management, enabling health systems to leverage their data assets effectively. While it defines requirements and activities for effective data management, it is designed to remain flexible to enable health systems to tailor strategies and tactics to meet unique needs without prescribing a specific approach.

We assess the data management maturity across Data Management Strategy, Data Governance, Analytics Architecture, Organization & People, Regulatory Compliance and map the health system to one of the following levels:

Key Benefits

Progressive Path

This framework outlines key business processes and specific capabilities to form a progressive path towards maturity, enabling health systems to assess and optimize its data management strengths and opportunities.


The DMM is a foundation for building a customized roadmap towards improving enterprise data management and embarking on transformational data use cases.


By following this roadmap, health systems can strategically enhance its data management practices and unlock the full potential of their data assets, to improve operational efficiency and better patient outcomes.